
Telling the stories of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia

Clause 4, Motion 30

Here's the actual text of Clause 4 of Motion 30, which was passed by the General Synod in May.

Taonga News  |  07 Oct 2014

Clause 4 of Motion 30 states:

4.   And further:

“By one Spirit we were baptised into one body”

He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa/A New Zealand Prayer Book

We are disciples of Jesus Christ who took a towel and basin and bid his disciples to serve and care for all.

We are acutely aware of the desire of some clergy to make further response pastorally and prayerfully to LGBT people in their faith communities.


Therefore General Synod/Te Hīnota Whānui resolves that:

Clergy who so wish are permitted to recognise in public worship a same-gender civil union or state marriage of members of their faith community:

(a)   with the permission of their licensing Bishop; and

(b)  with the permission of their Vestry or equivalent leadership body.

Such recognition cannot be marriage or a rite of blessing of a same-gender relationship.
