
Telling the stories of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia

Te Waipounamu now a diocese

General Synod passes a series of bills, including a name change for Te Pihopatanga o te Waipounamu to the Anglican Maori Diocese of Te Waipounamu.

Taonga news  |  14 May 2014

General Synod/Te Hinota Whanui passed the following bills: 

Bill 1: Changes the canon for the Council of Ecumenism to assign the council responsibility for “Recommending for appointment by the General Synod Standing Committee its nominees to all ecumenical organisations and conferences.” Moved: Bishop Ngarahu Katene. Seconded: Ven. Anne Mills

Bill  2: Changes the name of Te Pihopatanga o te Waipounamu to the Anglican Maori Diocese of Te Waipounamu. Moved: Ven Te Hope Hakaraia. Seconded: Bishop John Gray.

Bill 3: Amends the liturgical calendar to allow for the observation of Sea Sunday not only on the second Sunday of July but also ‘on a Sunday as observed by local custom.’ This bill addresses the problem of Sea Sunday falling in winter for the southern hemisphere. Moved: Bishop Te Kitohi Pikaahu. Seconded: Archbishop Winston Halapua.

Bill 9: Establishes a new structure for the Three Tikanga Youth Commission. Under the previous canon, the Commissioner directed the church’s Three Tikanga youth ministry with the Commission’s support. Now the Commission is responsible “to provide strategic direction, guidance, oversight and policy objectives” for the Commissioner. Moved: Ian Pask Seconded: Rev Jo Crosse.

Bill 10: Presented by Canon Dr Bryan Bang on behalf of the Judicial Committee, this bill adds a proviso on the prudency of trustees in the case they choose not to fully insure buildings against earthquake damage. This provides some protection to trustees when paying for insurance would seriously jeopardise the church’s financial viability. It amends the canon to allow a reading of  “prudently appropriate” insurance which includes assessment of seismic risk. 
