The Anglican Archbishops of Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia have called on the whole Church to heed the recommendations in the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in State and Faith-Based Care Report that was released today.
The Archbishops' message to Anglican communities follows below.
E te whānau a Te Karaiti, tēnā tātau.
The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in State and Faith-Based Care has released its report, which highlights abuse that occurred in Anglican communities in Aotearoa New Zealand between 1950-1999.
Please hold the survivors of abuse in your hearts and prayers – some of whom participated in the Inquiry, courageously sharing traumatic experiences for justice and change.
Archbishops Don Tamihere, Justin Duckworth and Sione Ulu’ilakepa have asked for the following statement to be shared with our Anglican communities across Aotearoa New Zealand.
“We acknowledge and take full responsibility for our failures to provide the safe, caring and nurturing environment those who have been in our care had a right to expect and to receive.”
“Our apology at the Royal Commission to survivors of abuse was heartfelt and genuine and we can only stand in awe of their courage and endurance. We owe it to survivors to ensure that this Report is a catalyst for great change.
It is crucial that the whole Church takes direction and advice on this. We know that we still have a long way to go.
We call on all who identify as Anglican; whether churches, schools or agencies to study this Report’s recommendations and to commit themselves to the principles and practices that ensure the highest standards of care.”
The Archbishops have reminded us of the safeguards we have in place to help make our church a safe space for everyone.
Survivors of historical abuse in the Anglican Church are encouraged to email: contact@anglicanredress.nz
Anyone wishing to make a current complaint can contact the Ministry Standards Commission registrar by email on: registrar@ministrystandards.org
The Archbishops have also shared the following prayers in response to the Royal Commission report released today.
E te Atua Atawhai, tēnei mātau e koropiko ana
ki mua i tōu aroaro i runga i te ngākau pōuri.
Nā te mea, tē taea mātau i rongo, i kite,
Nā te waha ngū ka whakakino mātau i te ngā harakore me ngā ngoikore.
E te Ariki, whakakahangia rātou ko te hunga mōrehu,
Arahina mātou ki te tika.
E te Ariki, whakarongo mai ki tā mātau inoi.
Merciful God, we come to you in sorrow.
We would not hear, we did not believe,
Our silence condemned the innocent and the powerless.
Lord, strengthen and empower the survivors now,
and align our hearts with your justice.
God, hear our prayer.
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