Gratitude and Grace: Through Lent with John by Lynda Patterson and Peter Carrell (Christchurch: Theology House Publications, 2015). 54 pp. Six studies for Lent and two studies for Easter.
This third Lenten booklet – on gratitude and grace – has been a challenge for the publisher, Theology House in Christchurch. But orders from around the country are gratifying in themselves.
Peter Carrell, Director of Theology House, and Lynda Patterson, Dean of ChristChurch Cathedral, had successfully co-authored the first two Lenten studies and were well into the third when Lynda died on 20 July last year.
Gratitude and Grace: Through Lent with John offers eight studies based on John’s Gospel.
Orders from all over New Zealand have poured into Theology House since the project was announced late last year, and the original print run of 3000 may have to be extended.
The first six studies fit the season of Lent but a novel feature of this volume is two extra studies for the Easter season.
“Lynda and I knew that positive feedback from the first two volumes included a wish that there were more studies for other parts of the year," says Peter Carrell.
"We decided that John’s Gospel particularly lends itself to post-Easter studies, and worked on a 6+2 plan for this volume."
Peter and Lynda had mapped out the eight passages from John’s Gospel, chosen an illustrator, Jacques-Joseph Tissot, and begun writing when Lynda died suddenly.
With assistance from Transitional Cathedral staff and a computer expert, Peter was able to access material on two of Lynda’s three computers.
Each study comes with questions for group discussion and suggestions for prayer.
Copies may still be ordered from Les Brighton, admin@theologyhouse.ac.nz or 03 341-3399, for $7 each plus p&p. But you'll need to be quick: Ash Wednesday is 18 February.
2:1-11: Gratitude for Lives Transformed
4:1-15, 27-30: Gratitude for Inclusion
5:2-18: Gratitude for Wholeness
7:53-8:11: Gratitude for Grace
11:1-44: Gratitude for Promise of Resurrection
13:1-20: Gratitude for Servanthood
Extra Studies
20:11-18: Gratitude for Abiding Love
21:1-19: Gratitude for Faith Restored
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