
Telling the stories of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia

Shapes of things come

Holy Trinity Cathedral's new Selwyn Chapel began to take shape today, as its avant garde roof was craned into place.

Taonga News  |  18 Mar 2015  |

Sunday strollers passing Auckland’s Holy Trinity Cathedral today watched as the 16.5 tonne roof of the new Selwyn Chapel was swung into place.

The chapel, which is being built immediately behind the High Altar, at the Newmarket end of the cathedral, will seat about 120 people and be able to host a variety of community events.

The roof was built in the cathedral carpark – work began on it last August – and today it was swung onto its supporting beams. Work can now begin on the floor and on the infill glazing  of the chapel. 

The chapel is expected to be finished by Easter 2016.

Which is also when the Trinity Memorial Garden, surrounding the columbaria (where funeral ashes are stored) at the rear of the Cathedral and St Mary’s will be opened to the public.  
