
Telling the stories of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia

‘For All the Saints’ is back

A newly revised and updated version of commemorative resource 'For All the Saints' has been published by the General Synod Office.

Taonga News  |  28 Jun 2016  |

After eleven years out of print, the General Synod Office has republished For All the Saints, as a revised and updated resource for commemorating the saints in these islands.

Both summary and expanded versions of For All the Saints are now available from the General Synod Office.

The single volume liturgical edition ($30.00 plus postage/packaging) summarises the story of each figure commemorated in our Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia liturgical calendar. Alongside each summary paragraph this book features related sentences, collects and readings for use in worship.

Two expanded volumes of For All the Saints are also available ($60.00 plus postage/packaging). These two books describe the faithful witness of each saint and holy figure in full biographies, with accompanying explanations for worship leaders.

Copies can be purchased by post (cheque) from the General Synod Office:

The Anglican Church General Synod Office

PO Box 87188 Meadowbank

Auckland 1742

Or via online banking/credit by contacting the General Synod Office on

Email: or Phone: 09 521 4439.
